Thursday, February 1, 2007

Our beautiful girls

I am going to try this again.....I have already had to erase one blog.
O.k. Lets start with the girls, since they are all consuming and are in my face as we speak, it seems only appropriate that I put them up first!!!!

Emily Vera, 9 years old, grade 3.

My baby is getting too big too fast, but that shouldn't be a problem, because this was her last birthday. She is not allowed to hit double digits! Emmy loves arts and crafts and is always making stuff for other people. She is doing really well at school, and joined the Jr. girls floor hockey team! She is coping with life in our VERY small house,(that is another story!) and is doing an awesome job as a big sister. She also can't wait until the 4 girls don't have to share a bedroom. I have heard talk of zebra striped bedding and a jungle theme in her and Alannah's room!

Alannah Faith, 7 years old, grade 2

Hmmmmmmmm........where to start with Alannah?????? Well she is......a fire instigator....a constant energy source.....a born leader I tell you!!!! This one will shake the world! For some reason, Alannah has ended up with tons of nick names, not to sure how they all came about, but here is the list off the top of my head: Lou, Loutsu, Lou my Lou, Lanna, Boo,Boots, Chaunchy, Lan-Bannan....if Gary were here there would be many more. Alannah is doing awesome in school as well. Her reading level is extremely high and she is a "absolute angel and a delight to have in the class room." I still think her teacher is talking about the wrong kid!! Life would be very boring without our Lou.......alot quieter....but boring.

Grace Rebekah, 5 years old, kindergarten!!!

Our amazing Grace....not to sweet of a sound though! Just kidding....kinda. You should hear her when her sisters tick her off! Gracie started kindergarten this year and was very excited to be going to school with her big sisters. It did not take long for the kindergarten high to wear off and the " I want to stay home with mommy to kick in." But never fear, there is nothing that a sticker chart with very appealing rewards won't fix!!!!! So going to school is no longer a problem. Thank God. One day I left her crying with her teacher and got a phone call from the principle asking me to come and get her....he had to carry her into the office SCREAMING, kicking and hitting. I told him that he was very privileged to witness a true Hodi temper tantrum. He rated it at a 9!!!!

Elizabeth Alisha, 3 years old

Our littlest girl is not so little anymore. It is a bitter sweet feeling. No more babies verses no more diapers!!!!!! Yes folks, our diaper days are officially over! 8 years of butt wiping, diaper changing and potty training ......been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. (That was corny.) I AM FINISHED!!!!! There is a light at the end of the tunnel....keep going all you young mommy out will survive. Sorry, got a little off track there! Elizabeth, or Pinky as we call her,is very 3. I always found 3 worse than 2. 2 year olds have a natural defiance about them....figuring out boundaries, 3 year olds have an "up yours" defiance that totally throws you because you never thought that your last cutest, sweetest, perfect child would be capable of such monstrous behavior!!!! Don't get me wrong...she is as sweet as she looks...just don't make her mad or say the NO word!

Well that is all my untrained typing fingers can handle...but there will be more, if I can figure out how to do this again!!! Hope you enjoy my first blog Alisha, since you are the only one that will be reading it!!!!!!

Toot a Loo till next time,



Alisha Ferguson said...

Wow! I am so very impressed! You're first post looks beautiful. One thing I have to say regarding it are SO not out of diaper stage for good! Umm...getting pregnant again soon...remember??? Silly you. Is tonight a good night??

Alisha Ferguson said...

You're just in denial.......

Unknown said...

Sooooooooooooo nice. Beautiful pictures, sweet descriptions, interesting comments.

(GT.) Auntie Ly

Unknown said...

Great Site. The house is ....Great. Just think of the fond memories being made as you reconstruct it.

Great pics of the girls. You'll have to put one of the cousins up.

shandelle said...

Heh Tash, your girls are beautiful. It has been so long since I saw Emily. She was so blonde then and probably 2? Alannah was just a new baby when I left BC. To me she looks like Alisha and Chad. I agree that 3 is harder than 2. Isabella (my oldest) is 3 and I am not liking that age very much right now. Zach just turned 1 and I miss the cuddles and the little baby feel. I could be convinced to have more, Chris is set on just two. You have lots of patience and guts to tackle 4 girls. It was nice to be able to see pics of your family.

CeCe said...

What beautiful girls!