Saturday, February 3, 2007

The great house adventure!!!

O.k. I hope you are it is our beautiful first home. Ummm....or shall we call it a shack...there are many other names that I have called it in the last year and a half, but you don't need to hear those. Go ahead and look...don't laugh too hard!

, I haven't looked at these in a while! The beautiful babe on the right is my faithful friend,Heidi. She came over as soon as I got there to help me clean the huge pile of %&*# in the front yard. It was very disgusting! We actually ended up having a contest to see who could find the most needles.....Heidi won. There were many more treasures to be found in the pile. Here is a sample list: ummmm....I changed my mind, its to gross to list. Just think drug house that has never been cleaned! The house was no better! I had to clean all the obscene reading material out before our Pastor and a big crew from church came up to help. It was crazy. We filled the industrial sized dumpster 2 time with the garbage from the house. The power had been cut for a couple of months and Gary opened the fridge....he cleared the house!! So the fridge got duct- taped closed and was launched into the dumpster. The guy who lived here left everything in the house....his furnature, clothes ..... everything. It was really weird. Actually...whats even weirder is that we found out later that he was at our neigbors, (another drug house) watching us throw all his stuff out. Here are some more pictures.....

Gary's Mum and Cam came up and she brought food for, you don't understand, she doesn't just make sandwiches or lasagna....she has to make her own bread and mayonnaise and make her own noodles. She is AMAZING!!! (If you are reading this mum, you love me more than Gary right???)
This was a well deserved coffee break, Heidi and I did most of the work ourselves!!! (kidding) The trailer behind us is what we stayed in for 5 LONG and dad stayed at a hotel for 2 nights and helped us everyday and had the girls sleep at the hotel with them. It was such a blessing. (Thanks again guys). Gary and I spent our first night by ourselves and it was in no way a romantic first night at our very oun house. The other drug house neigbor ran a little business out of his home and his customers started comming at around 11:00 pm......anyways, to make a long story short, we were almost asleep and we heard the most horrible noise! It was a man screaming like he had been stabbed or shot. But it was like he was right outside our trailer. Gary and I were like little kids....remember, when you were little and you got scared so you just pull the blankets over your head and hold sooooooooo still....ya, thats what we were both doing. It may be funny now but we were ready for a knife to come through the trailer wall!!!!!
This is super grandpa..(aka, gumpa....or Cam....or mabye Clint Eastwood...take your pick!) He tackled our hedge and our trees. I have 2 beautiful oreantal cherry trees in the front yard and now when they are in bloom they look like perfect pompoms on sticks...I love them! We also have a plum tree that was very out of problemo for Clint Eastwood!!!

May I now introduce you to Darling Daring Donna!!!!(hehehe...sorry Donna, sort of.) She was awesome.... and the only one brave enough to clean out the stove.... I looked like someone put there pet cat in there and cooked it for a couple months. My mom tried to clean it but started gaging! Sooooo....Donna cleaned the dead cat slime from the oven...we then sprayed it with kill everything cleaner and left it for 2 days. Then I scraped it with a drywall floor scraper.

This is an inside really does no justice though. The man in the picture is our Pastor, Brad. He and his wife Caralee have been a constant supply of support, encouragement, and always share their cleanex...yes there have been many tears shed along this crazy journey. This is Gary, my Uncle Peter, and my dad...they are trying to figure out why there is a huge hole under our house and why it is full off water! But that is another story for another time!!That room is now being coverted in to the master bath off of our bedroom...I know, really hard to picture isn't it.
Well, my time is up...gotta fly. I will try and find more progress pictures.
TTFN, Tasha


Alisha Ferguson said...

Man...I forgot how nasty that house looked at the start! I'm not very impressed though, that there is not mention of me helping you guys......wait....I didn't help, but at least you could have said something like...."my most wonderful sister was at home puking her guts out while brewing MY FIRST NEPHEW, so although she did absolutely nothing to help us, she's still the best sister in the world".....something like that creative...come up with something good. Maybe like..."my sister knows how to make boys, so it was okay that she didn't help"....or you could even pretend like you were mad at me because I was having a boy so you didn't want to even see me. Just try to make me sound like a good sister! :) hehehe

Heather said...

Hmmmm.... I don't think she mentioned me either.... but, never mind that... I'm still waiting for MY PICTURES!!!!!!! I want copies of all the ones on YOUR BLOG OR ELSE!!!!! You better visit Wally mart cause I'm coming down this weekend to get them... SERIOUSLY!!!!
Your Mother