Tuesday, February 20, 2007

New house pictures...

O.K. this is where we are at with our house.....I will share more on how we got to this point another may have to use your imagination a help you picture the grass, flowers, picket fence.....and while you are at it you could imagine all the garbage and stuff out of my yard too....thanks

For you Stacey!

Here it is the requested photo of the cousins.....hope you like it! Sorry if it BUGS you......hahahahahaha


AHHHHHH....It's snowing AGAIN! No more snow....PLEASE. Does anyone else out there share in these very Strong feelings I am experiencing right now. I WANT SPRING!!!!
Thanks for listening.....
Here is the proof...these were taken about 15 minutes apart!!!!! You know what they say about the weather here....If you don't like it, wait 5 minutes!

Up @ 5:30.....

I hate it when I wake up in the morning and don't get time to have a coffee and take a few moments to myself to wake up and have some me time before I start the day....but it really suck when you have to get up at 5:30 to achieve this. But I have to admit that it is worth it, my day is always off to a rough start when I wake up and have to be mommy servant before my eyes have focused and my coffee ingested! I'm not to sure why I am telling you all this, OH the funniest thing happened at the bridal fair...OK I have to start at the beginning. Our 10 year grad reunion is coming up the year, (very strange feelings come attached to that thought) but the problem is that I only went to public school for that one grade 12 year. Now you may be thinking...why is that a problem? The problem is I didn't know anyone. I met Gary and we hung out...but I didn't make any friends. So I have told Gary for many years that our reunion is going to suck because I am just gonna be the girl that Gary married. (He went to the same schools with most of these people since elementary school so EVERYONE knows because of his gift with music he wast the most popular band nerd there was!) Now, he has always said " no that's not true"....and tried to comfort me and all that stuff but I know that I know that I am the girl that Gary married! Well, here I am at the bridal fair and not once, not twice, but three times, I had people come to my booth and say, "Hey didn't you marry Gary."!!!!!!!!!!I knew it, I just knew it! So my fears were confirmed, my identity was stolen by my husband...I am now the girl that Gary married. Oh well...I guess there are worst things that could happen.
Well, kids are now up and attempting to sit on me and I can no longer see the computer so...I'm outta here!

Monday, February 19, 2007

What a crazy week.....

Well, I have a few spare moments....the washer and drier are loaded and my dishes can wait 10 minutes!! We have had an awesome but very busy week. We had a lady come an speak at our church on Monday and Tuesday night. The meetings were awesome and God was there!! We didn't get home till after 11:00 both night and our kids were a little on the sleepy side. Wednesday we were all zonked from lack of sleep.....yet Gary and I stayed up till 2:30 am talking....we have been doing that alot lately, and just enjoying each others company. On Thursday, Gary left for work with my Dad for a few days, so I had to hold down the fort on my own. He didn't stay as long as we thought and surprised me the next day as he came through the door. That turned out to be a good thing because we all went to Victoria for the day to see my family. We had an awesome visit at my Auntie Judy and Uncle Brain's house, and my Grandpa and his wife, Tisha, came and brought along my Auntie Sheri. (who flew in from Moose Jaw the day before) It was great to see everyone. Kinda crazy all the memories that come flooding back...sometimes I would love to be a kid again. Alisha, Wes and Abram came too.....and Abram stole the show! We stayed for dinner and didn't get home till 10:30. We had the strangest experience driving was REALLY windy and raining so hard that my wipers couldn't go fast enough but there were NO clouds in the sky! We could see all the stars and it was quite bright out....really weird! Anyways..we made it home and got everyone into bed! The next morning I had to be out of the house by 7:30 and had to set up and man a photography booth at a bridal fair, Treena (the photographer) had hip replacement surgery and was still in the hospital. I got home in time to go strait to church...we go at night...and it was awesome! Emily is on the kids worship dance team and they did 2 dances and they were beautiful. The Lord used them to touch alot of hearts and there were quite a few tears in the room.
So that is my week in a nut shell....sorry I don't have any pics to post....oh I could post some randome ones that I have taken...

My Girl friend and her baby.

Emmy dancing at church.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

I LOVE YOU GARY I Tasha, take you Gary, my precious gift from God to be my husband. I love you and accept you as you are and as you will become. I love you Gary and I promise to continue to love you with a love that by God's grace, will be patient and kind, without envy or boasting, pride or rudeness, always protecting, always trusting, always enduring.
I want to grow with you in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; and in obedience to Him I will respect, encourage and pray for you in all that you do. I take you for better, for worse, for richer or poorer. I will love you in health and in sickness. I will love and cherishand lovingly submit to you untill death we are parted. I will go wherever you go and love wherever you love, your people will be my people and your God will always be my God.
You are the other side of me.......I am not complete without you and your love.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Fun in the snow!

Well I'm afraid that this is not going to be creative....we have all been sick for the last week and my head is still not up to snuff. Here are some pics of the girls in the was very nice to get a decent amount this year....the girls were in heaven!
Emily, Alannah and Grace spent hours outside, and Gary joined them as much as he could. The went over to the school's field to make a snowman.....they ended up making a lazy boy chair, a t.v. and the remote control to go with it! I think this creativity was influenced by daddy a little bit. Pinky (Elizabeth) didn't fair in the snow quite as well as her sisters!

Doesn't it just break your heart?

For some reason the girls had this thing about burying their heads in the snow and seeing how long they could stay like that???? What ever floats your boat...right?

Well thats all I can muster up for now.....more later.....nap time!!!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

The great house adventure!!!

O.k. I hope you are it is our beautiful first home. Ummm....or shall we call it a shack...there are many other names that I have called it in the last year and a half, but you don't need to hear those. Go ahead and look...don't laugh too hard!

, I haven't looked at these in a while! The beautiful babe on the right is my faithful friend,Heidi. She came over as soon as I got there to help me clean the huge pile of %&*# in the front yard. It was very disgusting! We actually ended up having a contest to see who could find the most needles.....Heidi won. There were many more treasures to be found in the pile. Here is a sample list: ummmm....I changed my mind, its to gross to list. Just think drug house that has never been cleaned! The house was no better! I had to clean all the obscene reading material out before our Pastor and a big crew from church came up to help. It was crazy. We filled the industrial sized dumpster 2 time with the garbage from the house. The power had been cut for a couple of months and Gary opened the fridge....he cleared the house!! So the fridge got duct- taped closed and was launched into the dumpster. The guy who lived here left everything in the house....his furnature, clothes ..... everything. It was really weird. Actually...whats even weirder is that we found out later that he was at our neigbors, (another drug house) watching us throw all his stuff out. Here are some more pictures.....

Gary's Mum and Cam came up and she brought food for, you don't understand, she doesn't just make sandwiches or lasagna....she has to make her own bread and mayonnaise and make her own noodles. She is AMAZING!!! (If you are reading this mum, you love me more than Gary right???)
This was a well deserved coffee break, Heidi and I did most of the work ourselves!!! (kidding) The trailer behind us is what we stayed in for 5 LONG and dad stayed at a hotel for 2 nights and helped us everyday and had the girls sleep at the hotel with them. It was such a blessing. (Thanks again guys). Gary and I spent our first night by ourselves and it was in no way a romantic first night at our very oun house. The other drug house neigbor ran a little business out of his home and his customers started comming at around 11:00 pm......anyways, to make a long story short, we were almost asleep and we heard the most horrible noise! It was a man screaming like he had been stabbed or shot. But it was like he was right outside our trailer. Gary and I were like little kids....remember, when you were little and you got scared so you just pull the blankets over your head and hold sooooooooo still....ya, thats what we were both doing. It may be funny now but we were ready for a knife to come through the trailer wall!!!!!
This is super grandpa..(aka, gumpa....or Cam....or mabye Clint Eastwood...take your pick!) He tackled our hedge and our trees. I have 2 beautiful oreantal cherry trees in the front yard and now when they are in bloom they look like perfect pompoms on sticks...I love them! We also have a plum tree that was very out of problemo for Clint Eastwood!!!

May I now introduce you to Darling Daring Donna!!!!(hehehe...sorry Donna, sort of.) She was awesome.... and the only one brave enough to clean out the stove.... I looked like someone put there pet cat in there and cooked it for a couple months. My mom tried to clean it but started gaging! Sooooo....Donna cleaned the dead cat slime from the oven...we then sprayed it with kill everything cleaner and left it for 2 days. Then I scraped it with a drywall floor scraper.

This is an inside really does no justice though. The man in the picture is our Pastor, Brad. He and his wife Caralee have been a constant supply of support, encouragement, and always share their cleanex...yes there have been many tears shed along this crazy journey. This is Gary, my Uncle Peter, and my dad...they are trying to figure out why there is a huge hole under our house and why it is full off water! But that is another story for another time!!That room is now being coverted in to the master bath off of our bedroom...I know, really hard to picture isn't it.
Well, my time is up...gotta fly. I will try and find more progress pictures.
TTFN, Tasha

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Our beautiful girls

I am going to try this again.....I have already had to erase one blog.
O.k. Lets start with the girls, since they are all consuming and are in my face as we speak, it seems only appropriate that I put them up first!!!!

Emily Vera, 9 years old, grade 3.

My baby is getting too big too fast, but that shouldn't be a problem, because this was her last birthday. She is not allowed to hit double digits! Emmy loves arts and crafts and is always making stuff for other people. She is doing really well at school, and joined the Jr. girls floor hockey team! She is coping with life in our VERY small house,(that is another story!) and is doing an awesome job as a big sister. She also can't wait until the 4 girls don't have to share a bedroom. I have heard talk of zebra striped bedding and a jungle theme in her and Alannah's room!

Alannah Faith, 7 years old, grade 2

Hmmmmmmmm........where to start with Alannah?????? Well she is......a fire instigator....a constant energy source.....a born leader I tell you!!!! This one will shake the world! For some reason, Alannah has ended up with tons of nick names, not to sure how they all came about, but here is the list off the top of my head: Lou, Loutsu, Lou my Lou, Lanna, Boo,Boots, Chaunchy, Lan-Bannan....if Gary were here there would be many more. Alannah is doing awesome in school as well. Her reading level is extremely high and she is a "absolute angel and a delight to have in the class room." I still think her teacher is talking about the wrong kid!! Life would be very boring without our Lou.......alot quieter....but boring.

Grace Rebekah, 5 years old, kindergarten!!!

Our amazing Grace....not to sweet of a sound though! Just kidding....kinda. You should hear her when her sisters tick her off! Gracie started kindergarten this year and was very excited to be going to school with her big sisters. It did not take long for the kindergarten high to wear off and the " I want to stay home with mommy to kick in." But never fear, there is nothing that a sticker chart with very appealing rewards won't fix!!!!! So going to school is no longer a problem. Thank God. One day I left her crying with her teacher and got a phone call from the principle asking me to come and get her....he had to carry her into the office SCREAMING, kicking and hitting. I told him that he was very privileged to witness a true Hodi temper tantrum. He rated it at a 9!!!!

Elizabeth Alisha, 3 years old

Our littlest girl is not so little anymore. It is a bitter sweet feeling. No more babies verses no more diapers!!!!!! Yes folks, our diaper days are officially over! 8 years of butt wiping, diaper changing and potty training ......been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. (That was corny.) I AM FINISHED!!!!! There is a light at the end of the tunnel....keep going all you young mommy out will survive. Sorry, got a little off track there! Elizabeth, or Pinky as we call her,is very 3. I always found 3 worse than 2. 2 year olds have a natural defiance about them....figuring out boundaries, 3 year olds have an "up yours" defiance that totally throws you because you never thought that your last cutest, sweetest, perfect child would be capable of such monstrous behavior!!!! Don't get me wrong...she is as sweet as she looks...just don't make her mad or say the NO word!

Well that is all my untrained typing fingers can handle...but there will be more, if I can figure out how to do this again!!! Hope you enjoy my first blog Alisha, since you are the only one that will be reading it!!!!!!

Toot a Loo till next time,
