Thursday, April 24, 2008

What is a normal life??

Here is an update on our CRAZY life!! I will do this in point form because I now have a high maintenance baby and don't know how long I have to type!

- I had noticed since the beginning of March that Reuben seemed to sound wheezy and strange sometimes when he breathed, but didn't want to be a paranoid momma about it....
- April 3rd; Reuben went blue on me early in the morning and it scared the sh*t out of me!! So we made a trip to the hospital. We saw the pediatrician and she arranged for us to see the E.N.T.(ear,nose & throat specialist) in Nanaimo the next day.

- April 4th; I get a phone call first thing in the morning from the pediatrician telling me that the helicopter is on its way and that they are flying us to Victoria to see the E.N.T. and a pediatrician there. Now this made things fun...Gary was still in bed. He also had to leave Sunday for Lasqueti Island to work for the week. So I phoned super, amazing, wonderful Nana and arranged for her to watch the girls for a few days, Woke Gary up, threw a few changes of clothes in a bag and flew out the door.

- We end up taking an ambulance to Qualicum because it was to foggy for the chopper to come over the mountain.
- It took 30 minutes to get to Victoria General, and the chopper ride was pretty bad he was to little remember it!
- Once we arrived he had a scope down his throat within the hour and was diagnosed with laringomalacia (no idea on the spelling) and a enlarged floppy epiglotis. Laringomalacia is when the walls of your larynx are soft and can collapse while you are breathing.
- the next few days were spent monitoring and assessing him... His condition was not bad enough to require a trachiotomy or surgery. We discovered that he has no problems breathing when he sleeps on his stomach (also known as prone position) And I also learned to nurse him while laying on my back with him on my tummy with his tummy( Now that is talent!)
- April 8th; My Momma calls to tell me that our dog is having her puppies and I tell her that it looks like I may need her there till Gary gets home on Saturday. Akiva had 6 puppies, and I was very sad I missed it. The girls got to watch the whole thing and I stayed on the phone for play by play updates!
- April 9th; I am told that we can go home once we get Reuben an oxygen monitor so we can keep a close eye on him at home. We just have to really watch him until he grows enough that it isn't a problem anymore. I am also told that the government won't help pay for this monitor because Reuben is not permanently disabled! Thank-you so much. They would rather pay $1000.00 a day to keep him in the hospital then pay $1500.00 for a monitor.

-April 11th; We are transferred to Nanaimo by ambulance to be closer to home and to wait to get funding to get a monitor. My amazing husband was super dad for the next week and took it off from work to be Mr.Mom. So now the government was still paying $1000.00 a day to keep us in the hospital and made us loose a weeks worth of wages!! Thank-you very much again!!!
-April 18th; We are aproved for funding from "Help Fill A Dream" for little misters monitor and were finally able to go home!!

Now he is crying and my time is up!! More to come later....puppy pictures too!


Unknown said...

writing from new zealand i have a nine year old son with laringomalcia wondering how old your son is trying to find out the oldest child with this condition so good to here another mother talking about it i have a 17yr old who had it for the first year of his life but brice my 9yrold has had it since birth with it still causing problems with breathing aponeas and that ever so distinct noise of his breathing so loud during sleep that it causes kids that sleep over to get hardly any sleep and he never stays with anyone but family due to noise we of course are worried when he doesnt make this noise oxegyn levels are always a problem at night very low we were lucky with funding and were given a moniter love to here from u and your son from angie from new zealand